Thursday 13 April 2017

RPG Update: Dread, Fiasco and Doctor Who

Sorry for nicking your graphic to headline this post, The Nerd Work, but damn it's a fine graphic.
It's time to catch you all up on some unrecorded nerdity from 2016.  This time we're talking about role playing games and in particular three seasonal one-offs I ran during some off weeks of Starfleet Academy - one mid-way through for Halloween, two at the end for Christmas.

All of these are games I've ran before so more long-term readers will probably recognise the systems involved.  Hell, one of them features the same characters as wel always play in that system so it should be a true blast from the past for those strange people who read my blog religiously.  (Well not "past" since they're walking around  a good century or two in the future.  This time.)

Wednesday 12 April 2017

Unboxing Video: Rumbleslam

Something I've not done much of lately.

Oops, I've rather let this blog slide, haven't it?  I haven't posted since my birthday which is three months ago and since then I've had a bunch of RPG escapades as well as continued progress on the nerd room to report back.

More updates to follow but to tide you over here's a video from the end of March when I got Rumbleslam, the fantasy wrestling board game, delivered.  Think Blood Bowl meets WWE - then think a ten minute video in which I talk about it.